[不指定 2005/09/18 08:58 | by turbozv ]
Q: What is PIG?
A: PIG is the short form of Parser Interface Generator. It turns the grammar and token scripts to a Parser.C file which can interpret the just language.

Q: Why made another YACC/LEX?
A: Because I find YACC/LEX is too difficult to learn (maybe only for me), and I also want to practice in such field. By the way, my recent work is related to it.

Q: What language do you want to use to implement PIG?
A: I want to use Delphi (Pascal) first, because it's my favorite language. Then, I'd like to port it to Python, and then C/C++ for wilder support.

Q: What’s the plan, when can the first version be released?
A: As I said, I am now using Delphi7.0. Well, the first version may be released in a week or less, because my work needs a common CSS2-parser very soon. In the following week, I will do PIG full-time. lol

Q:How can I contact with you?
A:Many ways, but I think email is best. Email me at: turbozv_AT_uestc_DOT_edu_DOT_cn
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